Jim No Comments

How to Make Your Presentation Boring, Dull and Tedious

People sleeping during a presentationEveryone who makes a presentation wants to engage the audience and make their presentation enjoyable and memorable. A good presentation can be a business game-changer if — and only if — you are interesting and noteworthy.

Long Winded

Here are some ways that presenters fail when giving a talk. They are long winded, which will lose your audience quickly. If you make your presentation a test of endurance, you will see attention drop rapidly. Condense your information so it’s easily remembered. Be concise. Read more

Jim No Comments

If Not Now…When? Get Your 10 Minute Presentation Ready

Happy AudienceDo you put off things that you know you “should” do? For instance, taking the time to get a 10 Minute Presentation ready? Wouldn’t it be to your advantage to be able to say, “yes” to every invitation to give a 10 Minute talk – even on the spur of the moment? How would it feel to know that you engaged your audience from the first second and kept their interest until the final second of your presentation? Would it serve you and your business to deliver this marketing outreach in a way that opened doors for potential clients to do business with you? Read more

Jim No Comments

Get and Keep your Audience Attention

speaker in front of an audienceGet and keep their attention during your 10 Minute Presentation

Speakers recognize that the first thing they need to do when standing up in front of an audience is to get and keep their attention. Get them to care. If you don’t get them to care in the first few seconds, you’ve lost your audience.

How do great presenters do this? They are clear with their message. They have a compelling invitation to join them on a journey that inspires, sells products and services, and informs. Read more

Jim No Comments

No Bullet Points!

How to Use PowerPoint in Your 10 Minute Presentation

Picture of Seth Godin saying How to fix your really bad powerpointSeth Godin, author of countless books on Marketing wrote, in Really Bad PowerPoint, “The minute you put bullet points on the screen, you are announcing “Write this down, but don’t really pay attention to it now. People don’t take notes at the opera.”

Research says that text and bullet points are the least effective way to present important information. ClearSlide, the leading sales engagement platform, says that 32% of people fall asleep during PowerPoint presentations and 20 % would prefer to go to the dentist rather than sit through another one! Read more