Is your Networking Paying Off?
Sometimes when I ask my clients that question, they think they are getting results. I don’t like bursting their balloon but sometimes I have to help them see that they are leaving money on the table. And, I know that’s not their goal!
Haphazard networking might produce some activity and customers….
but wait….there’s more …so much more if your networking is guided with a plan.
I know…how unsexy is that! A plan sounds like a lot of work and a lot of blah, blah, blah…
Networking is about quality vs quantity. If you’ll take the time to plan how to market your business using the currency of networking, you’ll have a very different approach to your networking…different results, too.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that the business owner who shows up at the most networking events wins. Good networking requires strategic thinking and planning after you’ve identified your target market. BTW – Your target market isn’t everyone who has a wallet.
Register here: for the Make Your Networking WORK for YOU MasterClass on October 12th – 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm (ET).
You’ll walk away with a plan that will lift your networking activity off the ground floor and into the C-Suite!
Look for the next Blog where I’ll share what the Networking C-Suite is!