The 4th Quarter is Coming Right Up

At football games at every level from Pop Warner to the NFL it’s a familiar sight  at the end of the 3rd quarter  to see coaches and players waving 4 fingers in the air.

The message is clear.  The 4th quarter is coming right up. And games are often won or lost in the 4th quarter. 

Finishing strong is important to both players and coaches.

Business owners are facing the 4th quarter of 2022. The effort made in the final quarter of the year can mean the difference between significant profits or sluggish sales. The win column or the loss column.

There’s a kind of pressure when the 4th quarter opens up. It’s the last chance to meet your business goals. It’s now or never.

Now is key time to think about winning the game or just forget about it…and look to 2023 and write off 2022.

The 4th quarter is an opportunity to evaluate. It’s a perfect time to assess performance of the past 3 quarters and plan for the next quarter.

The clock is ticking and great businesses understand that there are a limited amount of timeouts. How will you distinguish yourself and your business from the competition and find a way to win this game? 

Will you get on the field and make a difference?

Or will you be content to sit on the sidelines and watch others play a winning game? 

Are you in business to win?

Keeping your energy high and the drive going can be tough as we head into the final quarter of the year. Yes- we’re tired. We’ve worked hard the past 9 months to meet our sales numbers but… that’s no excuse for sitting on the bench.  

Success in business is about finding opportunities and capitalizing on them.

Make no mistake. How you approach the 4th quarter will be the single biggest determining factor in how your first quarter of 2023 unfolds.

Holidays, parties, celebrations and even budgeting offer plenty of reasons to call on customers. The unique happenings of the 4th quarter provide lots of reasons for doors to open. 

Invite your clients to celebrations. The party atmosphere is a splendid stay-in-touch tactic that doesn’t occur in the other quarters of the year.

While a party isn’t the right time to ask for a sale, it is the right time to set the stage. Let your clients or customers know that you appreciate them and you’ll be back in the first quarter of 2023. 

You set the stage and plant the seed so when January 2023 rolls around they should be expecting you and are ready to talk business.

So – LOVE the fourth quarter because it’s the quarter of opportunity.  Finish strong.

If you’d like an “End of Year Assessment” click here:

Often, this assessment has been the catalyst for generating hundreds and thousands of dollars for businesses. ..all without spending an additional dime on marketing or technology.

Here’s my offer to those of you who want to finish 2022 in the winning column. 


Sign up to get the assessment which will take about 10 minutes to complete. Send it back to me and that will trigger the opportunity for a laser session in which we’ll discover hidden opportunities for you to win in the 4th quarter of 2022.  All this is free – there is no hidden sales pitch. Keep your credit card in your wallet – there will be nothing to purchase. 


Make it a great day….because you can!

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