Lorraine Lane No Comments

How To Introduce Yourself

“What do you Do?”

…is likely the most common question asked at networking meetings. When someone asks you that question, how do you respond? How to introduce yourself is key. Is your answer concise and memorable, or do you find yourself tripping over words, going on and on because you don’t have a proper answer? Read more

Lorraine Lane No Comments

Target Your Market

target-with-people-620x350Webster defines a target as “marked by shots fired at it; something or someone fired at or marked for attack; a goal to be achieved; something or someone to be affected by an action or development”. To target your market for your business marketing is to mark it for your campaign messages. The market you select should heavily influence and ultimately determine your marketing strategy and communication. Read more

Lorraine Lane 1 Comment

The Four Essentials of a Marketing Campaign

MArketing-A marketing campaign can be as simple as the promotion of a product or service through a flyer inserted in a Chamber of Commerce newsletter, or a series of ads in a local newspaper. Or… it can be as comprehensive as TV or radio ads to promote your business. Read more