Become Exceptional

Have you noticed that some people want great and instant results? But… they’re reluctant to put in the effort required to get those results.

I’m bringing this up because I had a conversation recently with a potential client who wanted to get ahead. He was throwing out lots of ideas but had not thought through what it would take to implement those ideas. When I began asking questions (which coaches are trained to do! 😊), he didn’t have answers to the “how” his ideas would come to life. Ideas aren’t enough.

The conversation felt like having a dream about standing on the platform and accepting a gold medal in the Olympics for alpine skiing without ever having skied!

Imagine that. No practice or prowess in a sport as challenging as Alpine skiing and winning the Olympic Gold Medal. Makes no sense, right?

Business owners who want to win the gold medal of business success but don’t really want to put in the hard work of planning, marketing, selling, measuring and building, are like my almost client. Sitting on the couch dreaming dreams and eating bon-bons won’t get you there. I didn’t offer to work with this particular business owner because I could see that he wanted success to be easy and that “work” was a 4-letter word for him.

You have to do the work. Be exceptional and decide to stop trying to be the exception. Exceptional people are successful because they refuse to engage in excuses and reasons why something won’t work. To quote Nike, “Just do it”!

I’m offering ways to “do it” over the next few weeks. 

Mini seminar series:

November 30th and December 7thand 12th, at 1:00 pm (ET)

December 15th at 8:30 am (ET)

These mini workshops (15 minutes) are free and virtual.  Register here for the ZOOM link:

MasterClass:  Make Your Network Work For YOU

December 9th and 14th 1:00 – 3:00 pm (ET)

Choose the date that works best for you. Imagine if you had a proven plan to build an amazing network that genuinely markets your business and builds the connections and relationships that work!

Free and virtual

Register for the ZOOM link here:

The Networking A-Game launches on January 9th at 7:00 pm (ET)

This 12-week intensive will raise the bar on your networking activities. Learn to make your investment of time and energy and resources pay off.

We’ll take the 5 A’s from my book, Business-Building Referrals as our focus and with increased visibility and impact, your business will experience vroom and zoom in the networking fast lane.

The investment in this 12-week program is $997 until January 1st

The cost will go up to $1497 on January 2nd.  

Your investment in the Networking A-Game will include a “pre-game” session with me to get a plan prepared for accelerated growth and an individual coaching session during the program to make any adjustments for increased results if you sign up before January 1st.  A reward for being an exceptional action-taker!

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