Online Recruiting is Here!

computer screen saying we're hiringIn-person recruiting appears to be a thing of the past, being largely replaced with online recruiting events and strategies. For hiring organizations, this is a challenge that many were not prepared for. Like the WFH (Work from Home) evolution which has both upsides and downsides, the virtual recruitment environment has its good sides, and not-so-good sides, too.

On-line applications and pre-screening are allowing more candidates to apply for job openings and are deepening the available candidate pool. They’re also saving time for Human Resources, hiring managers and candidates, opening possibilities that were not practical just months ago.

Reducing costs associated with recruitment is another benefit for both sides in the hiring equation. For hiring managers, ZOOM meetings with candidates save time, and pre-screens via virtual meeting can reveal more quickly whether to advance to further steps in the hiring process.

Sharpen your virtual meeting skills

But both hiring managers and candidates need to sharpen their virtual meeting skills. For hiring managers, the ability to listen deeply to a candidate’s responses is critical for in-person interviews, and equally, if not more critical, for virtual sessions.

Mastering the skills for moving through the virtual process and the associated re-evaluation of hiring strategies should be among an organization’s top considerations. Our world is demanding faster response in a host of areas, and the hiring process is no exception. Good candidates won’t hang around for weeks. The hiring manager who moves quickly and smartly will get the prize – the right team member. Those who aren’t aware of the need to move swiftly and with alacrity will often lose a promising candidate. If you notice that your prime candidates are no longer in the market when you make a move to the next step, review your process and tweak it to position yourself as a leader in recruitment and hiring.

Some organizations have moved their in-person career fairs to online recruiting events. For these events to succeed in filling the candidate pipeline takes planning, marketing and follow up.

Develop a follow-up strategy

Candidates who have attended such events have commented that the presentations and introductions to various companies are interesting and beneficial. However, the slow and sporadic follow-up from Human Resources or hiring managers leaves many candidates wondering if they will ever get the call they were told to expect. Left hanging, their initial interest fades and often disappears.

Develop a follow-up strategy and let candidates know what to expect as a next step. To have planned and produced a job fair is effective only if there is a plan in place for getting back in touch with candidates who show promise.

Download the free e-book: Brief Handbook For Organizing A Virtual Fair For The First Time  for some good information.

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