National Clean Off Your Desk Day
Does your desk look like a hurricane came through? Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day, so I took a look at my own work space and realized that I like working at a clean and orderly desk! But sadly, my desk does become a collection of information, papers and disorderly piles of stuff and to-do’s. When our desks are disorderly piles of stuff, we waste a lot of time looking for things we need to move forward on a project. Keeping an orderly desk will save you many minutes.
Here are a couple of tips that I’ve found helpful for keeping my desk clean (some of the time):
- Take everything off your desk and take 15 minutes to sort through the stuff. Create file folders in some system that will work for you. Resolve to keep that file system going.
- Put stuff away – pens, notes, bills, etc.
- Clean all your electronics. Get rid of dust, fingerprints, crumbs.
- Enjoy the look of a clear desktop.
Make it a practice to take 5 minutes at the end of your workday to clear off your desk so you come in to a clean desk in the morning. You’ll get more work done.